Calculator Information
The HP 49g Graphing Calculator
Click on the graphic to go to Hewlett-Packard's HP 49G+ Page.
Major Features
Symbolic Manipulation
Allow expressions and equations to be solved or manipulated even when they
include variables. Useful for general solutions and equations.
Extensive Memory
Over 1.5 MB memory (512 KB RAM and 1 MB FlashROM for the user)
to store an extensive program collection.
Step-by-Step Solving
With the built-in step-by-step mode, you can see the steps used in solving
complex derivatives, integrals, and linear algebra equations.
Multiple Input Methods
Choose from standard algebraic mode, textbook mode (i.e. written just like
in the text book), or efficient RPN (Reverse Polish Notation) for maximum flexibility.
High Resolution Screen
131 x 64 pixels for excellent resolution so you can see everything in detail.
X Root Key
Lack of an xroot key leads to such confusion among new users of
Texas Instruments' calculators. HP has solved this problem.